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Quality Management

What Is Quality Management?

Quality management is the act of overseeing different activities and tasks within an organization to ensure that products and services offered, as well as the means used to provide them, are consistent. It helps to achieve and maintain a desired level of quality within the organization.

Quality management consists of four key components, which include the following:
  • Quality Planning – The process of identifying the quality standards relevant to the project and deciding how to meet them.
  • Quality Improvement – The purposeful change of a process to improve the confidence or reliability of the outcome.
  • Quality Control – The continuing effort to uphold a process’s integrity and reliability in achieving an outcome.
  • Quality Assurance – The systematic or planned actions necessary to offer sufficient reliability so that a particular service or product will meet the specified requirements.

The aim of quality management is to ensure that all the organization’s stakeholders work together to improve the company’s processes, products, services, and culture to achieve the long-term success that stems from customer satisfaction.

Principles of Quality Management

There are several principles of quality management that the International Standard for Quality Management adopts. These principles are used by top management to guide an organization’s processes towards improved performance. They include:

1. Customer Focus

The primary focus of any organization should be to meet and exceed the customers’ expectations and needs. When an organization can understand the customers’ current and future needs and cater to them, that results in customer loyalty, which in turn increases revenue. The business is also able to identify new customer opportunities and satisfy them. When business processes are more efficient, quality is higher and more customers can be satisfied.

2. Leadership

Good leadership results in an organization’s success. Great leadership establishes unity and purpose among the workforce and shareholders. Creating a thriving company culture provides an internal environment that allows employees to fully realize their potential and get actively involved in achieving company objectives.

Leaders should involve the employees in setting clear organizational goals and objectives. This motivates employees, who may significantly improve their productivity and loyalty.

3. Engagement of People

Staff involvement is another fundamental principle. The management engages staff in creating and delivering value whether they are full-time, part-time, outsourced, or in-house. An organization should encourage the employees to constantly improve their skills and maintain consistency.

The principle also involves empowering the employees, involving them in decision making, and recognizing their achievements. When people are valued, they work to their best potential because it boosts their confidence and motivation. When employees are wholly involved, it makes them feel empowered and accountable for their actions.

4. Process Approach

The performance of an organization is crucial according to the process approach principle. The approach principle emphasizes achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the organizational processes. The approach entails an understanding that good processes result in improved consistency, quicker activities, reduced costs, waste removal, and continuous improvement.

An organization is enhanced when leaders can manage and control the inputs and the outputs of an organization, as well as the processes used to produce the outputs.

5. Continuous Improvement

Every organization should come up with an objective to be actively involved in continuous improvement. Businesses that improve continually experience improved performance, organizational flexibility, and increased ability to embrace new opportunities. Businesses should be able to create new processes continually and adapt to new market situations.

6. Evidence-based Decision Making

Businesses should adopt a factual approach to decision-making. Businesses that make decisions based on verified and analyzed data have an improved understanding of the marketplace. They are able to perform tasks that produce desired results and justify their past decisions. Factual decision-making is vital to help understand the cause-and-effect relationships of different things and explain potential unintended results and consequences.

7. Relationship Management

Relationship management is about creating mutually beneficial relations with suppliers and retailers. Different interested parties can impact a company’s performance. The organization should manage the supply chain process well and promote the relationship between the organization and its suppliers to optimize their impact on the company’s performance. When an organization manages its relationship with interested parties well, it is more likely to achieve sustained business collaboration and success.

Benefits of Quality Management


  • It helps an organization achieve greater consistency in tasks and activities that are involved in the production of products and services.
  • It increases efficiency in processes, reduces wastage, and improves the use of time and other resources.
  • It helps improve customer satisfaction.
  • It enables businesses to market their business effectively and exploit new markets.
  • It makes it easier for businesses to integrate new employees, and thus helps businesses manage growth more seamlessly.
  • It enables a business to continuously improve its products, processes, and systems.


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