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Zimbabwe Tax 101 Copy

“Simudzai mureza wedu weZimbabwe
Yakazvarwa nemoto wechimurenga;
(Neropa) neropa zhinji ramagamba
Tiidzivirire kumhandu dzose
Ngaikomborerwe nyika yeZimbabwe.”


Welcome to Zimbabwe Tax 101 


Click on the below link for the course content.


 — Click here for Zimbabwe content


Guide on how to complete the course:
Step 1 :
Click on the link above and attentively read the content on Zimbabwe’s Tax 101.


Step 2: 
After reading the content on Zimbabwe’s Tax 101, navigate back to the Axio Academy site.
Under the above mention course, click on the “Zimbabwe Tax .1” and start the quiz. 
Complete the quiz and wait on your score results.
If you score 90% or more on the first quiz, congratulations! You have successfully completed the course. You won’t need to complete the second quiz, but you’re welcome to attempt it for additional practice or knowledge.
Should you score under 90%, you will be required to complete the second Quiz: “Zimbabwe Tax .2”. 
Thank you – Axio Academy



Zimbabwe fun fact: Zimbabwe holds the world record as the country with the most official languages –  16 official languages


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